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2021 Changes Approved by Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife Commission

The Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife Commission and Blackfeet Tribal Business Council approved the following changes to the Annual Regulations for the 2021 Hunting Season. The Tribal member moose archery lottery tags increased from 3 to 5 tags this year.


Yellowstone bison tags are available now. Bison tags are $75, elk tags are $30, and deer tags are $25. A supertag is $100 for all 3 species. The archery season begins September 4th and the rifle season goes until March 31, 2022.


The following new raffle hunts were established this year.

  • Tribal Member Bull Elk Rifle Hunt in Zone 4 (3 tags)
  • Descendent Archery Antelope Hunt - Zones 2 and 3 (5 tags)
  • Descendent Rifle Antelope Hunt - Zones 2 and 3 (15 tags)
  • Descendent Rifle Bull Elk hunt - Zones 2 and 3 (1 tag)